I just had to make this motivator. Couldn't help myself xD
Oh lookie, its freaking May already and OMGFORGOTTOPOSTTHISINAPRIL OTL
Comparison 16 was meant for the previous month but been too busy with posting other relevant news that might have caught your attention back in April.
Well, better late than never...
Welcome cherry-blossoms, sake, hay fever, masked people and melted snowmen to Spring!
And what better way to kick start the pollen month than to have a great lineup of shows!

Don't mind the previous statement, my "youth" was acting up again. Must be Spring ( ´∀`)
(cookies if you know which manga I was talking about)
Onto more important matters, Spring is ridiculously huge, as I'm following about 30 series, with around 260+ characters, not to mention a few dozen OVA/OAD/movies within the next three months. Hope I can keep watching all of them when I continue my studies later this month (still studying at the moment for external certificates but irrelevant).
Also, it's currently Golden Week at the moment in the great homeland, with many companies/shops/schools closing for the week, which gives me plenty of time to read up on older news that might have slipped my eyes. Thankfully, I recently received a notification that my shipment had just left the building before the retailers closed shop until the next working day, April 6th (Fri), then next week Monday. Unfortunately, Nendo Kuroneko is still stuck, so I'll just have to be patient and hope it'll be sent as soon as possible.
Also, if you've been following me for the last few months, you might have noticed a change of post topics, as its now less about me and more about anything and everything else, as I share news about this viral sub-culture of Japan. Hope you like this new twist and I'm gonna be following this pattern, from covering exhibitions to collaboration news to interesting stuff from Japanese forums.
Zero-chan has been behind the scenes, so I'll have to give him some news to post too. Also added an email notification function on the right bar, next to the other subscribe functions, if you'd rather instead of my RSS feed or twitter. Chat me up on twitter anytime if you'd like ^^
To the great and youthful season, Happy Showa Day, Constitution Day, Greenery Day and Children's Day~!
Seiyuu Comparisons
[Uchiyama Kouki]
Yoga, Kimimaro Orimura, Ichika
Firstly, I think this show is awesome. Love the acquisition terms from flations to invest and more importantly, money!
Secondly, they picked the right seiyuu for the protagonist.
[Tomatsu Haruka]
Mashu Naruko Anaru
Cute little Asset.
I wonder if Assets can evolve or innovate?
[Hosomi, Daisuke]
Mikuni, Souichirou Genkishi
I sooooooooo want that card.
So I can get the money, THE MONEY, without selling my